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**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC

File extension Details of 3PI, AB$, AC, ACO, ACT, AC$, AC$, ADB, ADD

File Type:3rd PlanIt file
Category:3D graphics, CAD-CAM file
File Description:File extension is used by 3rd PlanIt.
Open Programs:

3rd PlanIt

Company / developer:

3rd PlanIt

El Dorado Software's first consumer product, 3rd PlanIt™, provides the foundation of our retail product line. 3rd PlanIt offers the model railroad hobbyist the precision of CAD layout in an easy-to-use program, using the power of the computer to accomplish the difficult tasks of alignment, placement and trimming. Automated functions create multiple parallel objects with one mouse movement, connect circles to lines with spiral easements while trimming them to meet end-to-end, and find paths through long and complex trackwork for setting elevations and viewing in profile.

File Type:AutoCAD's plot spooling file
Category:3D graphics, CAD-CAM file
File Description:

File extension AB$ entry has not yet been fully verified by team. It was added in the past to our library and appeared to be accurate.
If you know more or some useful information about AB$ file extension, please send us a message by clicking on submit extension button at the top of page.

Open Programs:

AutoCAD AutoSpool

Company / developer:
  Autodesk, Inc.

AutoSpool provides a method for sending plots to a spooler program. By using a simple batch file in place of a spooler, you can automatically direct plot data to the proper port, network, or plot device.
AutoSpool is a very reliable solution when AutoCAD has trouble sending data directly to a printer or plotter, especially when running under Windows.
Detailed information on AutoSpool is included in AutoCAD documentation.

File Type:ACwin project file
Category:3D graphics, CAD-CAM file
File Description:Project file created and used by ACwin.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Procedimientos-Uno, S.L.

Specialized program to create installation and distribution of compressed air in buildings. Web site is in Spanish.

File Type:ArCon project file
Category:3D graphics, CAD-CAM file
File Description:A new standard for visual architecture.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:


ArCon is a modern planning and design software for anyone who has anything to do with planning and building (architects, interior architects, prefabricated house and furniture manufacturers, real estate agents, private clients,...).
With the aid of rasters, lineals and auxiliary lines, you can plan groundplans quickly and as you wish.
Projects are designed from the basement to the roof including external facilities and the construction project is fitted into the appropriate environment by modelling the terrain.
A comprehensive catalogue for the furnishings offers the user over 3,000 objects and textures in various style catalogues from the furniture to the wallpaper, floor coverings and external objects.

File Type:Animation:Master animation file
Category:3D graphics, CAD-CAM file
File Description:File extension ACT is related to Animation:Master application.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Hash, Inc.


Anyone can create 3D pictures and animation at home or in the studio with Animation:Master.

This remarkable program includes everything you need to create fabulous computer graphics; including:

  • complete sculpting features,
  • powerful animation tools,
  • superb rendering,
All is compatible with the most popular computers (PC and Macintosh).

File Type:Spooled plot file
Category:3D graphics, CAD-CAM file
File Description:File extension is used by AutoCAD AutoSpool.
Open Programs:

AutoCAD AutoSpool

Company / developer:
  Autodesk, Inc.

AutoSpool provides a method for sending plots to a spooler program. By using a simple batch file in place of a spooler, you can automatically direct plot data to the proper port, network, or plot device.
AutoSpool is a very reliable solution when AutoCAD has trouble sending data directly to a printer or plotter, especially when running under Windows.
Detailed information on AutoSpool is included in AutoCAD documentation.

File Type:AutoCAD undo info file
Category:3D graphics, CAD-CAM file
File Description:File extension is used by AutoCAD. Undo info file.

Extensions that contain a dollar sign are temporary files. The .ac$ file extension is given to AutoCAD temporary files that are used to store data when RAM is filled. They should be deleted when AutoCAD closes, if it closes without crashing. If AutoCAD isn t running, these files can be deleted.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Autodesk, Inc.

AutoCAD® OEM is a CAD development platform that provides tools to build custom AutoCAD-based software products for specific markets and extend design information to users outside the traditional CAD community. You can easily create industry-specific products that offer only the features, commands, menus, and design data that your customers require.

AutoCAD OEM is licensed to independent software developers, corporate developers, and system integrators who need to

  • Deliver a product that requires CAD functionality but is not targeted at traditional CAD users
  • Build products that can read and create DWG files that are fully compatible with AutoCAD DWG files
  • Create host programs that run an application in a child window or through a web page
  • Deliver products with scaled feature sets at scaled price points Provide an AutoCAD-based platform that cannot be customized or extended by end users
  • Replace an aging CAD system and take advantage of new AutoCAD software technologies
File Type:Alphacam die-cut VB macro file
Category:3D graphics, CAD-CAM file
File Description:CAD/CAM software solution for the Woodworking industry.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Planit Solutions Inc.

- a fully featured CAD/CAM solution compatible with any CNC machine

Alphacam is used in the manufacture of many types of components, from simple routed parts to complex, 5-axis furniture components.
The emphasis behind the development of Alphacam is to provide customers with productivity, reliability, and flexibility.
Alphacam offers a multitude of applications for doors, windows, cabinets and panels.
Anything in wood, from 2D fascia doors to complex 5-Axis stair handrails can be produced easily and quickly.

File Type:Alphacam die-cut drawing file
Category:3D graphics, CAD-CAM file
File Description:CAD/CAM software solution for the Woodworking industry.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Planit Solutions Inc.

- a fully featured CAD/CAM solution compatible with any CNC machine

Alphacam is used in the manufacture of many types of components, from simple routed parts to complex, 5-axis furniture components.
The emphasis behind the development of Alphacam is to provide customers with productivity, reliability, and flexibility.
Alphacam offers a multitude of applications for doors, windows, cabinets and panels.
Anything in wood, from 2D fascia doors to complex 5-Axis stair handrails can be produced easily and quickly.

File Type:Alphacam die-cut parameter macro
Category:3D graphics, CAD-CAM file
File Description:Alphacam is a leading CAD/CAM software solution for the Woodworking industry. The core product of the company is Alphacam and is used in the manufacture of many types of components, from simple routed parts to complex, 5-axis furniture components.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Planit Solutions Inc.

- a fully featured CAD/CAM solution compatible with any CNC machine

Alphacam is used in the manufacture of many types of components, from simple routed parts to complex, 5-axis furniture components.
The emphasis behind the development of Alphacam is to provide customers with productivity, reliability, and flexibility.
Alphacam offers a multitude of applications for doors, windows, cabinets and panels.
Anything in wood, from 2D fascia doors to complex 5-Axis stair handrails can be produced easily and quickly.

Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC